A Buyer's Guide:
The Virginia Residential Property Disclosure
TLDR: Legalese can make for dry reading, but it’s imperative that you read it thoroughly. There are no refunds after you close.
Let’s be clear: This section is not intended to scare you with the real estate jargon and warnings. With that said, you should be making your purchase with eyes wide open, and you should know about the issues that may be plaguing the property when deciding whether to follow through with the sale.
Is the property prone to flooding? Does someone else get to access your property via an easement? Is there lead paint on the property? Every property (like people) comes with problems—it’s just the reality of dwellings that exist in Mother Nature. However, it’s helpful to know ahead of time what those problems are or may be so you can make an informed decision about whether to follow through with the purchase. If you are willing to make the purchase, education about the issues will work in your favor, helping you negotiate a better deal.
Virginia Residential Property Disclosure
The Virginia Residential Property Disclosure Statement breaks down potential problem areas into two categories: those that require explicit disclosure from the seller, and those for which the seller assumes no responsibility. The Virginia Residential Property Disclosure Act explicitly distinguishes those two areas.
These circumstances require seller disclosure:
This is the first sale of the dwelling.
The seller has knowledge of previous mining operations and/or abandoned mines, shafts, or pits wholly or partially on the property.
The property is situated in a locality in which there is a military air installation.
There are pending building code or zoning ordinance violations.
The property has previously been used to manufacture methamphetamine.
The property has a privately owned stormwater management facility.
Since 1978, two or more claims of more than $1,000 have been paid by the National Flood Insurance Program for the structure within any rolling 10-year period.
The property requires septic system operating permits.
These circumstances don't require seller disclosure.
Some detriments to the property place the burden of due diligence on the buyer’s shoulders. The Virginia Residential Property Disclosure Act (VRPDA) specifies 17 different areas where further investigation is the buyer’s responsibility, beginning most sections by stating, “The owner(s) make no warranty...” If you suspect any problems in the areas outlined in the VRPDA, make sure you research and/or hire specialists to inspect. Once you close on the property, those problems are yours.
Read the below sections to see if any of them may be relevant to your purchase.
The owner(s) of the residential real property makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the real property or any improvements thereon, or with regard to any covenants and restrictions, or any conveyances of mineral rights, as may be recorded among the land records affecting the real property or any improvements thereon, and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence a particular purchaser deems necessary including obtaining a home inspection, as defined in § 54.1-500, a mold assessment conducted by a business that follows the guidelines provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and a residential building energy analysis, as defined in § 54.1-1144, in accordance with the terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, but in any event, prior to settlement pursuant to such contract.
Lot Lines
The owner(s) makes no representation with respect to current lot lines or the ability to expand, improve, or add any structures on the property, and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence a particular purchaser deems necessary, including obtaining a property survey and contacting the locality to determine zoning ordinances or lot coverage, height, or setback requirements on the property.
Adjacent Parcels
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to any matters that may pertain to parcels adjacent to the subject parcel, including zoning classification or permitted uses of adjacent parcels, and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence a particular purchaser deems necessary with respect to adjacent parcels in accordance with terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, but in any event, prior to settlement pursuant to such contract.
Historic District Ordinance(s)
The owner(s) makes no representations to any matters that pertain to whether the provisions of any historic district ordinance affect the property and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence a particular purchaser deems necessary with respect to any historic district designated by the locality pursuant to § 15.2-2306, including review of (i) any local ordinance creating such district, (ii) any official map adopted by the locality depicting historic districts, and (iii) any materials available from the locality that explain (a) any requirements to alter, reconstruct, renovate, restore, or demolish buildings or signs in the local historic district and (b) the necessity of any local review board or governing body approvals prior to doing any work on a property located in a local historic district, in accordance with terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, but in any event, prior to settlement pursuant to such contract.
Resource Protection Areas
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to whether the property contains any resource protection areas established in an ordinance implementing the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act (§ 62.1-44.15:67 et seq.) adopted by the locality where the property is located pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:74, and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence a particular purchaser deems necessary to determine whether the provisions of any such ordinance affect the property, including review of any official map adopted by the locality depicting resource protection areas, in accordance with terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, but in any event, prior to settlement pursuant to such contract.
Sexual Offenders
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to information on any sexual offenders registered under Chapter 23 (§ 19.2-387 et seq.) of Title 19.2, and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence they deem necessary with respect to such information, in accordance with terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, but in any event, prior to settlement pursuant to such contract.
Dam Break Inundation Zone(s)
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to whether the property is within a dam break inundation zone and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence they deem necessary with respect to whether the property resides within a dam break inundation zone, including a review of any map adopted by the locality depicting dam break inundation zones.
Wastewater System
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to the presence of any wastewater system, including the type or size thereof or associated maintenance responsibilities related thereto, located on the property and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence they deem necessary to determine the presence of any wastewater system on the property and the costs associated with maintaining, repairing, or inspecting any wastewater system, including any costs or requirements related to the pump-out of septic tanks, in accordance with terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, but in any event, prior to settlement pursuant to such contract.
Solar Energy Collection Device(s)
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to any right to install or use solar energy collection devices on the property.
Special Flood Hazard Areas
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to whether the property is located in one or more special flood hazard areas and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence they deem necessary, including (i) obtaining a flood certification or mortgage lender determination of whether the property is located in one or more special flood hazard areas, (ii) reviewing any map depicting special flood hazard areas, (iii) contacting the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or visiting the website for FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program or for the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Flood Risk Information System, and (iv) determining whether flood insurance is required, in accordance with terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, but in any event, prior to settlement pursuant to such contract.
Conservation on or other Easements
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to whether the property is subject to one or more conservation or other easements and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence a particular purchaser deems necessary in accordance with terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, but in any event, prior to settlement pursuant to such contract.
Community Development Authority
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to whether the property is subject to a community development authority approved by a local governing body pursuant to Article 6 (§ 15.2-5152 et seq.) of Chapter 51 of Title 15.2 and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence a particular purchaser deems necessary in accordance with terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, including determining whether a copy of the resolution or ordinance has been recorded in the land records of the circuit court for the locality in which the community development authority district is located for each tax parcel included in the district pursuant to § 15.2-5157, but in any event, prior to settlement pursuant to such contract.
Marine Clays
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to whether the property is located on or near deposits of marine clays (marumsco soils), and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence a particular purchaser deems necessary in accordance with terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, including consulting public resources regarding local soil conditions and having the soil and structural conditions of the property analyzed by a qualified professional.
Radon Gas
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to whether the property is located in a locality classified as Zone 1 or Zone 2 by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Map of Radon Zones, and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence they deem necessary to determine whether the property is located in such a zone, including (i) reviewing the EPA’s Map of Radon Zones or visiting the EPA’s radon information website; (ii) visiting the Virginia Department of Health’s Indoor Radon Program website; (iii) visiting the National Radon Proficiency Program’s website; (iv) visiting the National Radon Safety Board’s website that lists the Board’s certified contractors; and (v) ordering a radon inspection, in accordance with the terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, but in any event prior to settlement pursuant to such contract.
Defective Drywall
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to the existence of defective drywall on the property, and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence they deem necessary to determine whether there is defective drywall on the property, in accordance with terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, but in any event prior to settlement pursuant to such contract. For purposes of this disclosure, “defective drywall” means the same as that term is defined in § 36-156.1.
Lead Pipes
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to whether the property contains any pipe, pipe or plumbing fitting, fixture, solder, or flux that does not meet the federal Safe Drinking Water Act definition of “lead free” pursuant to 42 U.S.C § 300g-6, and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence they deem necessary to determine whether the property contains any pipe, pipe or plumbing fitting, fixture, solder, or flux that does not meet the federal Safe Drinking Water Act definition of “lead free,” in accordance with terms and conditions as may be contained in the real estate purchase contract, but in any event prior to settlement pursuant to such contract.
Impounding Structures or Dams
The owner(s) makes no representations with respect to the condition or regulatory status of any impounding structure or dam on the property or under the ownership of the common interest community that the owner of the property is required to join, and purchasers are advised to exercise whatever due diligence a particular purchaser deems necessary to determine the condition, regulatory status, cost of required maintenance and operation, or other relevant information pertaining to the impounding structure or dam, including contacting the Department of Conservation and Recreation or a licensed professional engineer.