Market Your Property

TLDR: Post your property online to get the most traffic.

Where, oh, where should I market my house?

Why, where buyers are looking for houses, of course! The logical place to advertise your house is where buyers are searching for houses, and these days, the vast majority of buyers (we’re talking 90-something percent) look for houses online. Use the free options available to you, including our website, Zillow, Trulia, Redfin, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace, but there are also other sites such as,, and where you can list your home for a fee.

What should you include in your listing?

This is your chance to put your property's best foot forward! Highlight recent renovations, features about the house that you admire, benefits of living in the neighborhood, proximity to local shops or highways--anything you love about your property! Most importantly, include pictures, and not just any pictures: good, high quality photos that will get prospective buyers through the door. 

Seller Beware: You’re about to get Inundated with Calls

If you post your contact information online to enable buyers to schedule showings, you’re going to be bombarded with phone calls from real estate agents who want to sell your property for a commission. Currently, there is no way to distinguish these calls from bona fide buyers.

Stick a Sign in the Yard

It's also a good idea to put a For Sale sign in your yard to advertise your home, which accomplishes two things. First, you may get calls from folks driving through the neighborhood on the hunt for available properties. Second, your neighbors might call up people they know who might be interested in moving into the neighborhood (Who wouldn't want to pick their own neighbors?). There have been many occasions when we've driven through a neighborhood to look at one house, saw a For Sale sign on another house, and wound up looking at both properties. 


The days of going to a real estate brokerage, sifting through binders of available properties, and picking out the ones you want to see are long gone. If you want to get in front of buyers, use technology to your advantage!