A Seller's Guide: Review of the Virginia Residential Property Disclosure

TLDR: The buyer will need to review the sections of the Virginia Residential Property Disclosure Act and determine if further investigation is warranted. 

For a recap on the Virginia Residential Property Disclosure Act, see Step 2: Virginia Residential Property Disclosure

What do I do for this step? 

For you as the seller, not much. Before you ratified the offer, you disclosed to the buyer in writing if the existence of any of the applicable disclosure circumstances were relevant to your property. However, some detriments to the property place the burden of due diligence on the buyer’s shoulders. The Virginia Residential Property Disclosure Act (VRPDA) specifies 17 different areas where further investigation is the buyer’s responsibility, beginning most sections by stating, “The owner(s) make no warranty...” If the buyer suspects any problems in the areas outlined in the VRPDA, they will take this time to research and/or hire specialists to investigate further.